Man oh man – word vom.

It’s been rough these past few days at my jobs prepping for the hearing I had yesterday. It was my first time representing a client before a judge and I certainly did not get enough sleep while preparing for the big day. We didn’t get what we hoped for but we got something. Supposedly, it was as good as it was going to get with that particular judge. I was hoping I would do much better and be more prepared but my nervousness caused a few hiccups. Overall, I don’t think I screwed up mightily and that’s quite alright with me. So now I am making up the hours at my part-time job that I missed due to working over my scheduled time at my internship. It sucks since that means I end up getting home much later than I should. Last night was the first night in almost a week that I had a regular amount of sleep. I sure am glad to be done with the hearing. I hope to get back on a normal schedule next week.

So in two days I will be heading to Baltimore with my bf to see my lovely friend and her fiancé and we are going to run a 5k (my first!). My foot is nowhere near completely healed so I probably will just end up run/walk(ing) the race. I am pretty excited though since it’ll be the first race I run with my honey and the other time I ran with him was great. He pushed me farther than what I would have done if I had run alone. I am really nervous though about bringing my corgi to meet my friend’s adorable pup. He is so aggressive and can get destructive at times. I am actually still debating whether to bring him or not and the trip is two days away! Oy vey. I’ll talk it over with her to get her opinion.

OH! I have also been putting in entries into my food journal. It has helped to be so crazy busy and because I have been running around like a madwoman, I have been okay with my food intake. I am not eating like a 400lbs. man. I have not been perfect but I expect some mess-ups here and there. I am going to get a cheat day this weekend after the 5k. NOMS! If my foot isn’t too bad after the race then I am going to start my 10k training again. I have a 5 mile run the weekend after this weekend. I paid for the race so I sure am going to run it as best I can. P.S. I am constantly hungry and want food non-stop. I got to push it, push it real good.


Fat and poor

This is another sad attempt to rant even though it’s simply pitiful. Since I hurt my foot, I have clearly been off my running schedule. I paid for a bunch of races that I might not be able to run to my best abilities in. I will still run them but I sure will be out of shape and dying by the end of each one. I might even walk for parts of it (gasp!). I am really disappointed. I had such a great and doable plan all laid out. I was getting back into the whole running thing and then bam! I stupidly hurt my foot and am just getting fatter and fatter by the day. I actually borrowed from the library a self-help/weight-loss book. Oy, I am certainly getting desperate.

I am going to see my honey’s parents this weekend so I decided to get my first mani/pedi of the summer. My pedicure should last the whole summer. My manicure should last maybe 3 days. I also bought a bunch of supplies for my bunny and corgi. I had recently gone on a shopping trip and have been a major dumba**. I work my butt off and I am just blowing money like I actually have any. Ugh, I am just unhappy with my situation right now. I weighed myself the other day and I am the heaviest I have ever been. It was definitely a huge dump on my ego. All I want is for my foot to heal so I can do something about it. My food intake is such a struggle that I much rather workout and cut back on some things. I am so exhausted from my long hours, long commute, and pet responsibilities. I know everything is my fault and all I am doing is whining but dam*, it feels hella good to let it out sometimes. Maybe I should not do it on a public forum but hey, bad decisions come and go.

But I am addicted to whining! Source: http://backtraxamerica.com/friends/stop-your-whining/

On a sunnier side, I am a bridesmaid to one of my closest law school friends, a judge recently said my brief was written beautifully, I am representing my first client before a judge next week, and I still have the best bf, friends, and family anyone can ask for. I guess not everything sucks. Also the song below has been stuck in my head for an unnecessarily long time now. I like it.


One thing that sucks is my love for well-done steak. I have gone to some hoity-toity restaurants where the waitstaff is horrified by my request for a steak to be cooked well-done instead of the recommended medium-rare. Do you think I have not tried to eat steak cooked less than well-done? I certainly have! I have tried to wean myself off well-done steak but I usually just end up eating the cooked meat surrounding the more raw part. Ugh, I’m paying for the steak so make it the way I can freaking eat it! Intense dislike.

Hank Hill broke my heart – http://resme.me/3uhru1.jpg